Tune in at 11:00 AM this Wednesday for a live performance from vocalist Cheryl Morrell playing jazz and pop classics. Cheryl will be live on...
Tune in at 11:00 AM this Wednesday for a live performance from Pianist and ArtsWest School for the Performing and Visual Arts graduate Alex Sjobeck...
Radio Boise is seeking an energetic, committed, community-minded salesperson to join our great staff as Underwriting Coordinator. You’ll be a public face for Radio Boise,...
The Boise Weekly chose “Campfire Stories” as a featured event this week, and we’re honored. Check out the story at the Weekly Listen to the...
We would love for you to come down and spend some time with us at Hyde Park Street Fair. Radio Boise is not possible without...
We’re excited to be having a presence at this year’s Hyde Park Street Fair. RadioBoise will be the media sponsor and we’ll have a booth...
Radio Boise and New Belgium are teaming up again for our annual Tour De Fat warm-up block party on Friday, Aug 15th. PreFat will take...
Let’s get together and celebrate Radio Boise’s volunteers! KRBX absolutely would not be on the air without your hard work and dedication and we want...
Interfaith Sanctuary donations can now be made at Radio Boise. Help members of our community who are in need get a break from the soldering...
Radio Boise, in collaboration with The Modern Hotel and Christian Winn, bring you Campfire Stories, a monthly reading series featuring notable Idaho writers. June 16,...
Are you one of our incredible Spring Radiothon 2014 donors? Did you volunteer your valuable time to Radio Boise during Radiothon? We’re throwing a party...
RadioBoise is involved with our statewide giving campaign, Idaho Gives, for the first time! We’re trying to create statewide awareness about the station – and...
We can’t thank our supporters enough. Spring Radiothon was a total success – reaching our goal of $42,000 in the afternoon of the 9th day...
Link: Boise Weekly: “Radio Boise and Treefort Had a Baby”