He’s a musical man about the nation with an adorable co-host and exquisite tastes in the vintage Blues and Roots treasures he digs up and...
Radio Boise (KRBX 89.9 / 93.5 FM), the Treasure Valley’s only non-profit, community radio station, is expanding its studio space in order to offer additional...
It’s the time of year when we crank up the on-air antics past 11 for 10 days of over-the-top programming, friends and food: it’s Fall...
Couch Surfer Series w/ Eleven & Jason D, Jaime Nebeker and Chad Shohet of HomeGrown Theatre and Christian Winn The fifth season of the ?️...
NACC Top 30 Chart Entry for September 23, 2019 Our station is powered by dozens of unique DJs who shape their own playlists. When you...
In collaboration with the Idaho Humanities Council, the Radio Boise “Voices Project” is offering a pro-level workshop in which we’re going from zero to finished...
Producer Valerie Hayes, Luke Fowler, Jaci Kettler, Jen Schneider and new co-host Charlie Hunt welcome listeners under the Big...
Written by Kyle “K-Schef” Scheffler (host of Beijo Brasileiro, Saturdays 1 – 3 PM) Videography and editing by Ryan Ogle It was an unprecedented concert...
NACC Top 30 Chart Entry for August 13, 2019 Our station is powered by dozens of unique DJs who shape their own playlists. When you...
For the third year in a row, we are raffling off a 2016 Fiat 500e electric vehicle to help support the Treasure Valley’s only non-commercial,...
Radio Boise is partnering with Boise Bicycle Project at the second Boise Goathead Fest for a celebration of the bicycle community in Idaho! For years,...
As Radio Boise continually grows and evolves, our show schedule changes every now and again. Lately, we’ve had a swirl of updates that we’d like...
Radio Boise and the Net Positive Radio Collaboration invite high school and college-aged students to attend a free, one-week sustainability and environmental podcasting workshop where...