Radio Boise’s first News Experience broadcast aired May 2 with a half-hour program reported and produced by citizen journalists from throughout the community. You can...
Six days into a nine day fund drive, we were concerned. Our pledges were only at 50% of the $40,000 target. But you all responded...
“We are walking in the field of uncertainty, and that is great news!” – Joanna Macy
This March, Treefort Music Fest will provide the opportunity for Boise to play host to the national and regional music scenes while showcasing a lot...
We think our trusty engineers have solved the most obvious issues with our intermittent signal problem. Please make sure to let us know if you...
Good News everyone: the weather related “dropouts” we’ve been experiencing, as of late, should be getting resolved soon. We’re bringing out our chief engineer from...
Tomorrow, from 3-7 pm, Boise Coop will match every dollar you gift at the store during your shopping experience. A huge thanks to everyone at...
Friday, October 21 at 6 pm at Radio Boise’s studio, Prometheus Radio Project’s co-founder, Petri Dish, will speak about media democracy and the fight to...
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