As you’ve probably heard, Spring Radiothon 2012 – Radio Boise’s biannual pledge drive – was a big deal. Close to $38,000 was pledged to the station during the recent 9-day drive and YOU were a huge part of this success!

Thank you SO much for understanding the importance of local, independent media and having a community resource we can call OUR OWN –
NEVER underestimate the difference YOU can make at Radio Boise.

Next week sometime, we’ll be getting out a donation receipt to you:
• if you pledged at the $35 level or above, your KRBX Card and receipt will arrive via USPS
• if you aren’t scheduled to receive a KRBX Card (pledges below $35) we will save on postage by sending your donation receipt via email

If you haven’t yet fulfilled your pledge, please reply to this message and let us know how we can help you with this. Pledges can be fulfilled by:
1. mailing a check (1020 W. Main St #50, Boise 83702)
2. calling us with a credit card number (258-2072)
3. use the online option on our website

PLEASE help us save postage and drop by the station (1020 W. Main St #50) at your convenience (during regular business hours) to collect your donation premium (shirt, hat, poster or other limited-edition item).

If you live outside the Boise area, we will mail your premium – so please email us to let us know if you don’t want to receive one!

Thank you again for making Spring Radiothon 2012 such a great success. You are helping build an indispensable asset in our community!!!!

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