Donate to Fall Radiothon Through the Entire Month of November!

Our Fall Radiothon may be over, but it’s not too late to contribute!

Radio Boise reaches 45,000 listeners and over 24,000 social media followers—and we’re still growing. We aim to be a hub, connector, and megaphone for musicians, writers, performing artists, scientists, non-profit professionals and underrepresented voices within our community.

As we emerge into our second decade of people powered radio, we remain dedicated to maintaining the most democratic form of media available to the average citizen today.

Radio truly brings people together. It provides connection through the airwaves; through time and space. It is intangible, yet it can touch us. It is a space to meet, to listen, to learn. When you tune in to Radio Boise, you can hear members of our community, talking to you, creating, spinning music, but also hear a little bit of yourselves. Join us, and support a local community radio station that puts the “people” in “people-powered radio,” for Boise and beyond.

Your support bolsters local programming that keeps you highly entertained and well informed – which is more important now than ever. Radio Boise is YOUR community radio station.

Help us stay strong.

4 ways to donate:

  • Online on our donation page
  • Call us at (208)258-2072
  • Text KRBXGive to 44321
  • Mail us a check or donate in person at 1050 W Main St, Suite 50, Boise, ID 83702

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