The Monthly Mixdown

‘Tis the season! It’s not too early to say that, is it?

While summer events are slowing down, we are gearing up for the season of giving. Fall Radiothon is one month away! Mark your calendars for A Very Spooky Fall Radiothon, October 19th through November 1st. Our theme this fall: People! We are opening our doors and welcoming back with open arms our adoring fans, hardcore volunteers, and hopefully some new faces as well! If you would like to sign up for a Radiothon phone banking or pit boss shift, please follow the link below:

Volunteer Here!

We are so excited to get back to a fully people-powered Radiothon. After all, Radio Boise is made of people…


Join the Radio Boise crew this Saturday, September 24th from 1-4pm for a Vinyl Spinning Party during Flipside Fest in Garden City! Vinyl may have only been the surface that you crawled on as a baby, but for these folks it is also the expression of their art….

We are partnering with Roots Zero Waste Market and Modern Sounds Vinyl for an afternoon of vinyl spinning by your favorite Radio Boise DJ’s. We’ll have music from the Night Nurse, DJ Kevin of Hot Potato, Jason Beek of Spoonful, DJ Feelings of Sunday Soul Party, Kristin Wildly of Up in Your Mind Flowers, John Reusser, and more!

Aslan Brewing out of Bellingham, WA will be doing a tap takeover, and we’ll have some delicious lunch items available (look out for the Sub-Woofer and the Hot-Mic sandwich). Proceeds will benefit Radio Boise!

No Flipside wristbands are necessary, just bring yourself and your music-lovin’ pals. This event is free to the public and all ages. We’ll see you there!

RSVP Here!

Couch Surfer!

Please join us on Tuesday, October 11th for the second installment of our Couch Surfer Series. The month of October will feature author Lyd Havens and local musician and artist Leta Harris Neustaedter. Moderated by Allison Maier.

This year, we are hosting Couch Surfer at Ochos in downtown Boise. Join us for an intimate night of performance and stories with writers, artists and musicians. Held every second Tuesday of the month September – February, creators will talk about their craft, where they find inspiration, why and how they do what they do, as well as perform songs, poetry and excerpts of their creative endeavors for a live audience.

For a limited time, we have Season Passes and VIP Season Passes available for purchase. General Admission tickets, as well as VIP tickets and Season Passes, are available at the link below.

Purchase Tickets Here!

Save the Date!

Practice New Years Eve is on the books, y’all! Mark your calendars for Friday, December 9th at the Olympic in downtown Boise. Start planning your stellar (practice) New Years outfits, test out some new dance moves, and get that ol’ auction bid paddle collecting dust in your closet ready for action. Stay tuned for more details and get ready to ring in the new year with Radio Boise.

Cheers to you, and cheers to community radio!


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