A message from the KRBX Board on a new direction

Dear Radio Boise listeners and supporters,

The KRBX Radio Boise Board of Directors reached a decision to reorganize leadership to better navigate the changing landscape of community radio and nonprofit structuring.

As a result, General Manager Jessica Evett will be replaced by former board member and longtime station programmer Beth Markley as Interim General Manager while the station completes the restructuring process.

The pandemic has put unexpected stresses on individuals and organizations alike. For nonprofits like Radio Boise, it has accelerated pressure to position ourselves for the future with modern organizational structures and true sustainability in an uncertain world. As KRBX prepares to celebrate 10 years on the Treasure Valley airwaves in April, our growth necessitates a shift in direction that will build out these important structures and explore new approaches to the fundraising needed to carry our community radio station forward into our second decade.

In collaboration with an active and engaged Board of Directors, the station has been learning and absorbing guidance from national organizations like the National Federation of Community Broadcasters (NCFB) on how similar stations are rethinking what management and growth team structures look like, and what their models might mean to our station.

Jessica Evett steered the good ship of community radio through a wide-ranging sea of constituencies, stakeholders, events and the inevitable break-fix demands that come with running a 24/7 media service. Through the pandemic, the station has shined bright as a beacon of hope and human connection as we distance. In the future, the station will be forever positioned as a result of her dedicated and thoughtful leadership. We will never forget the remarkable contribution to the mission that Jessica made and wish her nothing but the best moving forward.

Stay tuned for more news on our structural update leading up to our anniversary celebration.

Yours in people-powered community radio,
Rachel Abrahamson, Chair
KRBX Radio Boise Board of Directors

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