As a community steward, Radio Boise is committed to making sure everyone has access to the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 developments.
Below is a collection of reputable resources you can use to stay aware during this epidemic.
We will also be live-reading coronavirus and community updates on-air at 9 AM, 2 PM and 6 PM daily.
Links and content will be updated regularly.
State of Idaho “Stay at Home” Order
Order issued by the Governor on March 25, 2020 asking all Idahoans to self-isolate for 21 days
State of Idaho “Stay at Home” FAQs
Statewide “Stay at Home” Poster
State of Idaho Definitions of “Essential Services”
As of March 25, 2020
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Federal guidelines and information
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) en EspaƱol
Pautas federales y informaciĆ³n
State of Idaho COVID-19 Information
State guidelines and information
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
State agency with links to the Idaho COVID-19 info page as well as a “newsroom” with the latest state press releases
Central District Health
Local public health district with guidelines and information for Ada, Elmore, Boise and Valley counties
Southwest District Health
Local public health district with guidelines and information for Owyhee, Canyon, Gem, Payette, Washington and Adams counties
City of Boise COVID-19 Information
City of Boise-affiliated closures and information
City of Boise COVID-19 Resolution
City resolution on COVID-19, dated 03/16/2020
The White House’s Coronavirus Guidelines for America
15-day plan to slow the spread of COVID-19
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Twitter
Feed from @IdahoCOVID19
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) en EspaƱol Twitter
Feed from @CDCespanol
State of Idaho COVID-19 Information Twitter
Feed from @IdahoCOVID19
City of Boise Twitter
Feed from @cityofboise
Mayor McLean Twitter
Feed from @boisemayor
Mayor McLean Facebook page
Includes a daily COVID-19 live update from @boisemayor
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