Patagonia Grant Funds Exciting New Podcast Series

If you’ve been following our stories about upcoming podcasting and audio production workshops funded by the Idaho Humanities Council, you know that Radio Boise is offering several opportunities for members of our community to produce stories with a unique local focus through the lens of the humanities.

Thanks to a generous grant from Patagonia’s Environmental Media Grants Program awarded to KRBX in January, we’re excited to announce that additional opportunities to produce stories with an environmental theme will be offered in 2019. This special series of “Our Place” environmental workshops under the umbrella of the Voices Project will increase the number of podcasting and audio production workshops at Radio Boise to seven in the upcoming year.

Dedicated to providing the training and support required to put the power of radio in the hands of those with unique perspectives on the issues that impact all of us, KRBX is quickly becoming a hub for local producers’ in-depth coverage. In order to make that vision possible, we’ll be turning to our community for your time, talent and dedication to creating stories that will connect, inspire and challenge Boise and beyond.

The generous funding from Patagonia will allow Radio Boise to offer one six-week workshop for 10-12 volunteer producers and teach them how to create audio stories aimed at capturing local perspectives on environmental topics (including restoration and conservation of local rivers, protecting local habitats to ensure the preservation of biodiversity, sustainability and climate issues).

This six-week-long workshop will include instruction on story ideas, interviewing techniques, audio production and creating a compelling narrative. We will also offer one weekend-long intensive “Radio Race,” in which pieces will be created in a shorter timeframe. These workshops will take place in the summer and fall of 2019, so stay tuned for information on how to participate!

Olivia Weitz Interviews Farmer in Marsing

Radio Boise will also offer a 4-week workshop on advanced audio production aimed at creating a ten-episode podcast focusing on the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey Conservation Area titled “Common Land.” This project is being conducted in partnership with representatives from The Friends of the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey Conservation Area, who have spent the last year collecting interviews and oral histories from 20-25 people involved in the creation of this unique conservation area. With a pilot episode close to finished and a plan for producing nine additional episodes, we are excited about the potential of this project to provide in-depth exploration of one of Idaho’s most important protected areas. Details about this workshop and a vision for the podcast series will be announced soon.

By engaging a diverse range of participants in these workshops, Radio Boise will air stories on 15-20 unique topics surrounding environmental issues. Through quality storytelling and collaboration, we can help create a deeper appreciation for science and its role within local communities in order to generate a broader support for enlightened public policy and environmental action in Boise and beyond. These stories will air as special 30-minute broadcasts during our weekday Public Affairs block, and will be available on-demand through digital platforms (Soundcloud, iTunes and Stitcher).

These projects would not be possible without the support of generous funders like Patagonia bolstering the tremendous support of our individual donors, underwriters and sponsors who share a vision of people-powered, thoughtful media.

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