Tuned In with Haley Thomason

Haley Thomason

Haley is one of the station’s most active volunteers and carries such joy and ease that it always makes it a blast to hang out and represent Radio Boise no matter the weather or the event!

When did you catch the community radio bug?

A friend told me about Radio Boise about a month after it went on the air, so I started listening. Then Jeff started coming to the bank I work at and told me more about community radio and Radio Boise. I started volunteering, and I’ve been hooked ever since!

What is it that you appreciate about community radio?

I appreciate all of the hard work so many people put into making community radio happen.  It really is a community of people working to make something for our whole community to enjoy.

What do you like most about Radio Boise?

The enormous variety. I like that every time I turn on the radio there is something different to listen to. When I talk to people who haven’t heard of Radio Boise I always give them a program guide to show them just how much variety there is.

Where and when do you listen to Radio Boise?

Whenever I can! For a while I couldn’t listen at work, but I recently moved to an office that I can listen at work again. I’ve missed all of the daytime shows and I’m so glad I get to listen to them again. I have a radio app on my phone, so Radio Boise is pretty much always on.

What can’t you get out of your head, music-wise?

I love Treefort season. Ever since the first artist release, the DJs have been playing the bands, and I can’t get enough. I can’t wait for the next release!

If you could go backstage for any artist’s show, who would it be and why?

This is a really hard question. I keep trying to think of current artists, but keep going back to the artists I listened to when I was young. I’ve always said that everyone has a favorite Beatles, Prince and Michael Jackson song, so I don’t think anyone would pass on backstage access to The Beatles, Prince or Michael Jackson.

Where do you see Radio Boise in 5 years?

I’m excited for the next 5 years. In the last 5 years Radio Boise has become an important part of the arts and culture of the Treasure Valley and is one of the things that makes Boise great.  When I’m out volunteering, I get to tell people about the station and meet people that already love the station. I’ve also had the opportunity to volunteer with a lot of the people involved with the growth of the station. With the passion and love I’ve seen for Radio Boise by the community and volunteers and the committed and talented people involved in the station, I can only imagine amazing things happening in the next 5 years.

You can volunteer for Radio Boise too!

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