Update from the General Manager

A moment during Radio Boise's Pre Fat Street Party

Community radio in the Treasure Valley started with an idea that resonated with those who spent years conducting a high wire act of generating support and interest in a station that only existed as something we wanted to imagine making a reality. Strategy was part of that, but the people and culture surrounding what this could be made it possible since it was up to individuals to try new things at key points that weren’t part of a written plan.

As we mature as a station, paying attention to those ideas that inspire us to take risks and challenge ourselves will always be a critical part of our culture if we hope to do more than just keep up with a changing world.

A more sustainable organization is in a better position to lead change since we’ll be more responsive to the creativity and talents of our volunteer programmers and producers. Thank you for being a part of that, regardless of whether you’ve been with us from the beginning or just recently discovered us.

Last year, we knew that we needed to increase outreach at events to reach potential listeners while simultaneously bolstering our fundraising efforts. While nonprofit raffles featuring everything from vehicles to vacation packages are nothing new, we knew there had to be a prize that would reflect Radio Boise’s culture.

When the prospect of an electric vehicle came up, it was clear we’d found the right match. Although strategy was an essential part of the process, it came down to going with the idea that most resonated with the multiple volunteers, listeners, and other stakeholders we started speaking with last fall about the concept.

One of the primary benefits of this effort has been connecting with new potential listeners and partners throughout the valley. This was always part of our hopes for this initiative, and it was a huge part of our desire to find a raffle prize that matched our enthusiasm for talking about everything connected with the station.

You’ve all helped us make one of our more ambitious efforts to date run smoothly during a time when we’re still constantly striving to create great radio. That matches the spirit of the many people who are pushing hard to make electric vehicles accessible and an essential part of our daily lives, and we can’t thank you enough.

We just crossed the 1,000 tickets sold mark, and we have high hopes for where we’ll be when it’s time for our December 1st drawing at Practice New Year’s Eve. Now is a great time to swing by the station or stop by one of our events to enter for your chance at landing an amazing electric-blue ride. Your odds are good even if we sell our goal of 5,000 tickets, but they’re particularly great right now. Even if you don’t end up being our lucky winner, proceeds from this effort have an immediate impact on our programming and our overall health as a community radio station.

Cheers to you for supporting a culture that connects and inspires, and with your help we will continue to experiment and push ourselves.

– Jess Evett

Check out our Electric Car Raffle

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