Thank You!

We made it to our goal, earlier than we expected, and we love you.


#krbxspringradiothon has concluded and we’re back to regular programming. We hope that you enjoyed the special shows, the crazy moments, and the illustration of the best that is people-powered community radio during our spring fund drive.

So many people came together to make this experience happen, and we can’t thank you enough. These amazing businesses and individuals comprise the generous hearts that fed our volunteers and encouraged us all to power on over the 9 days that we ‘thon’ed together: (insert so many cool people here)

We appreciate each and every volunteer who gave time to answer the phones, coordinate the operation as leaders, and share the news about Radiothon on social media. We respect the energy and attention that you gave, and well beyond the expected – we turned the station into a fantastically vibrant party.

We celebrate each and every member of our listening community who called and voiced their support for the type of programming you hear every day on Radio Boise, ensuring we’ll make it to see another day. In the case of our 5th birthday celebration, to 10! Thank you for believing in us, and for continuing to be a part of keeping the dream alive in all of it’s rainbow-of-voices-and-people-and-music for the Treasure Valley.

We take seriously the task of making great programming, and hold as our highest goal to continue to make the most nuanced, intelligent, zany, engaging, relevant radio we can. Thanks for being there with us.

We normally throw our pickup parties on the First Thursday of the following month. However, on Thursday May 5th, you are invited to come support Radio Boise and a whole host of wonderful non-profits during Progress Party at the Linen Building.

Progress Party is simple — in reward for supporting the great nonprofits that enrich our community, you get beer, a token of the nonprofit’s appreciation, and that special feeling that only happens when you’ve done a good thing. Especially while drinking beer*. *those of legal drinking age

This year, Discovery Center of Idaho, Usful Glassworks, Radio Boise, Story Story Night, Off Center Dance Project, and Boise Hive will occupy The Linen Building – each showcasing their commitment to community in the form of what they do: live music, performance, storytelling, and scientific discovery. To support them, visit their booth at Progress Party and make a $10 contribution via the Idaho Gives website. RSVP on Facebook

Then, our premium pick-up party will the following Thursday, May 12th at the station – and we’ll have all your premiums and extra swag ready for you to pick up. It’s a big open house and the DJs and staff come out and hang out while you grab your cool new hoodie or hat and patch.

Pickup Party!
May 12, 2016
Radio Boise, 1020 West Main Street,
Suite 50, Boise, ID 83702
5 – 9pm

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