We appreciate our listeners so very much.
Radio Boise was able to complete Spring Radiothon 2015 because each of us reached out and showed support for community radio. From all the fantastic volunteers that gave their time and smiles, the generous support from local businesses that provided care and feeding to our fund drive participants, each of our outstanding programmers who created unique and entertaining pledge shows, our staff who helped make a powerfully creative and encouraging environment, to our amazing listeners who called, pledged, came right into the station and said – yes, I want you to continue to grow and flourish . . . we’re so grateful for each and every one of you.
Mark your calendars, our premium pickup party is First Thursday June 4th.
Mothers Ruin host Steph with phone banker Skip. She raised nearly $2K this afternoon, putting @radioboise within $650 of our $45K #KRBXSpringRadiothon goal! Radiothon ends as soon as we hit it: (208) 258-2072, http://radioboise.us. #radioboise
Support independent rock punk new wave underground on the airwaves. Call 1(208)258-2072 or visit online at RadioBoise.org #Repost @marshallpo_ole
✌Daniel!️ @radioboise #KRBXSpringRadiothon
Team @radioboise getting ready for @recordstoreday at @therecordexchange! It’s the first of two stops for us today – we’ll hit the @idahogreenfest this afternoon, too! #radioboise #therecordexchange #rsd15 #boise #recordstoreday
The kids are alright! Phone-banker Sienna (right) and friends pitched in this afternoon for the first day of our spring fund drive. Donate by calling (208) 258-2072, visiting http://radioboise.us or stopping by the station at 1020 W. Main St. Ste. 50 (downstairs in the Alaska Building)! #radioboise #KRBXSpringRadiothon
A bunch of sadists enjoying Bad Song Saturday. #TennisCourtDisco with #WendyFox up next! Donate by calling (208) 258-2072, visiting http://radioboise.us or stopping by the station at 1020 W. Main St. Ste. 50 (downstairs in the Alaska Building)! #radioboise #KRBXSpringRadiothon
Building a Greener Idaho’s #KRBXSpringRadiothon show is underway! They are giving away a FREE HOME ENERGY AUDIT from OnPoint Advantage to ONE randomly drawn listener who makes a pledge during the show. Drawing is right before 4! (208) 258-2072, http://radioboise.us or 1020 W. Main St. Ste. 50 (downstairs in the Alaska Building). #radioboise
Grant Olsen’s “It’s Now Right Now” with Jake of Guilty Pleasures and Wendy of Tennis Court Disco is on the air right now – raising money for our community radio station! Call us at (208) 258-2072 or RadioBoise.org
Stardust Lounge is on the air – looking for 30 supporters before 7! Tiger is spinning “overplayed” Top 40 disco classics – donate to get your favorite played or ban your most-hated! (208) 258-2072, http://radioboise.us. #KRBXSpringRadiothon #radioboise
How are we ending the second to last day of #KRBXSpringRadiothon? Superstar guests and push-ups. Yes, push-ups. DJ Megamillions is in the studio with Tyler on Haven’t Got There Yet, and Tyler is doing three push-ups for every donation received. Only three, you say? Hey, we’re not Olympic athletes. And we’ve been gorging ourselves on pastries all week. Donate: (208) 258-2072, http://radioboise.us
Board member Francisco and our new GM Jessica answering donor phone calls! (208) 258-2072, or stop by the station at 1020 W. Main St. Ste. 50 (downstairs in the Alaska Building) and get a high-five! #radioboise #KRBXSpringRadiothon
Carl B and Speedy are happy because the transmitter is back up! Still time to donate to Idle Afternoons: (208) 258-2072, visiting http://radioboise.us or stopping by the station at 1020 W. Main St. Ste. 50 (downstairs in the Alaska Building)! #radioboise #KRBXSpringRadiothon
Greg Harness has the honor of kicking off every @radioboise Radiothon at 6am. Set your alarm and show your love for Ramblers’ Retreat and people-powered community radio Wednesday morning: http://radioboise.us/2015/04/spring-radiothon-2015/ #KRBXSpringRadiothon #radioboise
Mike, a longtime @radioboise supporter, is offering a $500 match today during Mothers Ruin (now until 3) – the minute Steph hits $500 in total donations, Mike will add his $500 to make it an even $1,000! Donate by calling (208) 258-2072, visitinghttp://radioboise.us or stopping by the station at 1020 W. Main St. Ste. 50 (downstairs in the Alaska Building)! #radioboise #KRBXSpringRadiothon
Thanks to @bittercreekalehouse for feeding us tonight! #KRBXSpringRadiothon #radioboise #bittercreekalehouse
Two thumbs up for #KRBXSpringRadiothon! Toast n’ Jam is on the air, and it’s their Cash-for-Compliments show – make a donation to @radioboise, and you’ll get an on-air compliment in addition to your regular KRBX premium! Donate: (208) 258-2072, http://radioboise.us #radioboise
Check out the classic crew we assembled for @radioboise founder Jeff Abrams’ farewell Square Roots broadcast. Let’s send Jeff off in style with a huge three hours of listener support to the #KRBXSpringRadiothon: (208) 258-2072, http://radioboise.us or 1020 W. Main St. Ste. 50 (downstairs in the Alaska Building). #radioboise
Fifteen minutes left to donate to Black Sheep Farm! Everyone who donates gets a freak flag; $50 and up donations get a @radioboise cookbook! 258-2072, http://radioboise.us, 1020 W. Main St. Ste. 50 (downstairs in the Alaska Building)! #radioboise #KRBXSpringRadiothon
@Psycache bringing the funky dance! Our man @djjasond is away on business, so Sir #Psycache stepped up and programmed a 4-hour Spring Radiothon Marathon Glitch In the System tonight from 7-11. (208) 258-2072, http://radioboise.us #KRBXSpringRadiothon #radioboise
Explorations is on the air. It’s time to explore your pockets for cash and make your donation to our people-powered community radio station! (208) 258-2072, http://radioboise.us #KRBXSpringRadiothon #radioboise
Dusky Durango’s Caravan needs 5 more callers before 3pm! This is the part of the #KRBXSpringRadiothon where we play the cute kid card. Donate: (208) 258-2072, http://radioboise.us or 1020 W. Main St. Ste. 50 (downstairs in the Alaska Building). #radioboise
Chris Hess of Range Life and Stephanie Clarkson of The Plimsoll Line are pitching for community radio, and playing some awesome vinyl tonight for their Spring Radiothon Special! Call and support independent people-powered radio! You can make a difference: (208) 258-2072 or www.radioboise.org #KRBXSpringRadiothon #radioboise
These two, have they been living here during #KRBXSpringRadiothon? Nichole and Winkle have been kicking ass, and you can help them kick more this afternoon during The Rapture. New premium alert: Mama Winkle’s Cookies! Nom nom: (208) 258-2072, http://radioboise.us or 1020 W. Main St. Ste. 50 (downstairs in the Alaska Building). #radioboise
@radioboise Spring Radiothon is underway, and operators are standing by! Call (208) 258-2072 to pledge your support for people-powered radio in the Treasure Valley! #KRBXSpringRadiothon #radioboise
We missed #tbt yesterday, but here’s an archival photo of Gabe Dunn demonstrating one of the incorrect ways to call and donate to @radioboise’s Spring Radiothon during V3 (9-noon Friday mornings). If dialing (208) 258-2072 on a banana keeps giving you fits, visit http://radioboise.us or stop by the station at 1020 W. Main St. Ste. 50 (downstairs in the Alaska Building)! #radioboise #KRBXSpringRadiothon
An all-female music show doesn’t happen on commercial radio. But on @radioboise, it’s prime-time Saturday night. Show Sadie Mayhem some love now until 9 and donate to Femme Fatale Radio Boise KRBX: (208) 258-2072, http://radioboise.us or 1020 W. Main St. Ste. 50 (downstairs in the Alaska Building). #radioboisetuesday #KRBXSpringRadiothon
John and special guest Patrick from Strange Brew (6-8pm Sundays) are jazzing up @radioboise’s Spring Radiothon. Help them reach their show goal by calling (208) 258-2072, visiting http://radioboise.us or stopping by the station at 1020 W. Main St. Ste. 50 (downstairs in the Alaska Building)! #radioboise #KRBXSpringRadiothon
Matt and Megan are on the air! #Explorations is looking for 7 supporters before 7. Donate by calling (208) 258-2072, visiting http://radioboise.us or stopping by the station at 1020 W. Main St. Ste. 50 (downstairs in the Alaska Building)! #radioboise #KRBXSpringRadiothon
DJ Dusty C in action. Sunday Soul Party is largely powered by #vinyl, and mostly 45s. If you got some #soul support in you, drop the needle on a @radioboise donation: (208) 258-2072, http://radioboise.us or 1020 W. Main St. Ste. 50 (downstairs in the Alaska Building). #radioboise #KRBXSpringRadiothon
Thanks to @traderjoesboise for bringing us lunch today! #traderjoesboise #radioboise #KRBXSpringRadiothon #traderjoes
Who’s the boss? It ain’t Tony Danza. Mothers Ruin’s Stephanie is leading the phone bank crew this morning on the second to last day of the #KRBXSpringRadiothon. We’re working our way toward $45K but need your help to get there: (208) 258-2072, http://radioboise.us. #radioboise
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