Speedy Gray. He sacrifices hours out of his day to bring professional quality work to each session he does. He always focuses on the needs of the artist, and makes sure they are comfortable and able to give their best performance. He sets the bar high with the quality of the performances he produces. We are really fortunate to have someone like him, consistently dedicated to taking the extra time to create really good content for the station.

Chas Allan has taken the beginning foundation of a music library and turned it into something special. By keeping programmers informed of the vast influx of music and personally managing the music library, Chas has made remarkable strides toward keeping programmers on top of releases, new and historical, and keeping Radio Boise’s relationships with music labels ongoing and strong. Chas has not only made this department entirely viable, but has and continues to embody what can only be construed of the best volunteering has to offer. A true example-setter. Thanks Chas!
Robert Stevahn. We value all our programmers for the commitment they make in researching and doing great shows. Robert Stevahn, however, particularly stands out. Not only has he had a hand in keeping alive and vibrant the program Inversion EDM, helping keep Gospel Brunch on the airwaves and, but maybe most importantly, Robert has continually demonstrated how to sub for a show in the spirit the show was intended. For these reasons and being a consummate team player, the 2014 Radio Boise Programmer of the Year is Robert Stevahn. Thanks Robert!
Wendy Fox. Wendy puts in a ton of time beyond what she’s committed to with her weekly show, but puts together a polished show each week as well! Wendy identifies areas of improvement within the station – then creates a plan, a team, and sees it through. Some of what she’s given our station this year: Help with high-level coordination of many RB events, Radiothon Web and Social, Treefort audio interviews, Modern Hotel online stories Campfire Stories & Opera Idaho, RB remote broadcasts, Ad-hoc testimonials/interviews, Records/edits volunteer meetings for those unable to attend, Performs website maintenance & design, New streaming player redesign, metadata.
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