Sen. Mike Crapo: The Radio Boise Interview

Idaho Sen. Mike Crapo (R) joined station manager Jeff Abrams and KRBX board member Nathaniel Hoffman this morning in the studio for a live interview during which he discussed the media, wilderness proposals, his plans for reform of the mortgage industry and his views on same-sex marriage.

Sen. Mike Crapo

Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho)
via Talk Radio News Service / flickr

Crapo addressed Rep. Mike Simpson’s renewed effort to pass a wilderness bill in the Boulder-White Cloud mountains: “I do think frankly if there is change in control of the Senate, there is probably an increased chance for CIEDRA, his bill, to move forward… obviously there is still some conflict there among different stakeholders, but frankly I think its getting closer and closer to agreement.”

Crapo criticized proposed EPA rules on clean air and advocated for nuclear energy instead as a form of alternative energy that would incentivize private sector investment. He also defended his proposal to eliminate government-backed mortgage investors Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in favor of private sector lenders (for a critique of this position, see David Min’s explanation in The Atlantic.)

Finally, Crapo did not budge on his long opposition to same-sex marriage, despite the recent court decision that opened up marriage equality across the state.

As to what kind of music he listens to, Abrams pinned the senior senator down to a single genre: rock and roll.

Listen to the full interview below:

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