Party Success!

We had such a fun time at our Practice New Year’s party. Check out the video slideshow below.

RadioBoise is made possible by support of our dedicated volunteers. At the party we honored several key people:

Greg Harness
Greg has been a programmer at Radio Boise from the very beginning of our terrestrial broadcast. He came with a plan and has not only stuck to this plan, but consistently works toward refining it. Greg has always been dependable (nobody needs to notice he couldn’t make it here tonight!), does a great job of efforting and connecting with the local bluegrass songwriting community, knows the elements of his genre, regularly airchecks his own shows, volunteers at outside events and lends a hand, via reads for underwriting or subbing for shows, whenever asked. He also has the best Mennonite beard at Radio Boise. In short, a total role model for other programmers at Radio Boise. Therefore, Radio Boise is very proud to give this year’s Programmer of the Year Award to Greg Harness, Host of Rambler’s Retreat.

Anita Goodman
What Anita lacked in confidence at the beginning of her experience at Radio Boise she has more than made up for with her dedication. Besides, becoming a much better programmer through constant effort, Anita’s handiwork is felt around many facets of the Radio Boise operation, from cleaning the station on a regular basis to catering, with Brian and Barbara Allred, nearly every first Thursday event long enough to give us trouble remembering who did it before. Beside working to improve her show, working toward an understanding of programming good for community radio, she also embodies the idea of selflessness that Radio Boise would not be able to exist without. She is also, in our estimation, singlehandedly responsible for keeping the word “groovy” alive in the American lexicon. Radio Boise is very proud to present one of this year’s Volunteer of the Year Awards to Mary Jayne, aka Anita Goodman, Host of The Black Sheep Farm.

Also Honored:
Julie Benson
Dave Manion
Karen Ellis
Jack Van Valkenburgh
Kevin Moran
Brian Rumbaugh
Jeff Abrahms

Also – big thanks to Shavone (the auction queen), Elizabeth Corsentino (volunteer team), Bryan James and Doc (sound), Jonathon Warren/Billy Goats, Fiddle Junkies, Crooked Fence Brewing, Proletariat Wine, and the folks at the Watercooler!

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