Radio Boise Fall 2013 Board Survey Says …

In late August/early September, the KRBX Board of Directors sent out a survey to approximately 140 staff members, producers, current volunteers and fellow board members using SurveyMonkey. More than 51 percent of you responded with thoughtful and thorough responses, including many valuable comments. Below we are presenting the results of each of the quantitative questions.

Overall, we confirmed what we knew: Our community is passionate about music, committed to our mission and involved in all of the activities that make Radio Boise swing. Some 77 percent of respondents said their time at the station was “totally worth it” or at least very worth it (>7).

14.5 percent of you said you’d come back to the station 24/7 if possible and some 15 percent would volunteer more than once per week.

90 percent of you feel that the station’s expectations of the community is reasonable.

68 percent feel respected in their role at the station.

64 percent feel free to speak their minds and have input at KRBX.

While 26% of respondents felt that they adequately understand the operations of Radio Boise, 3/4 of respondents want more information about the inner workings of the station. The Board and staff of Radio Boise is committed to providing more information about the way decisions are made, budget priorities, spending and future initiatives.

Finally, we asked about how you would characterize Radio Boise to your friends/family and overwhelmingly, people recommend Radio Boise for the music, for rewarding volunteer opportunities, for donating money, for cool events and even for programmer opportunities.

A final metric, calculated from that last question, is our “Net Promoter Score,” a survey tool developed by Satmetrix. When we average the folks who say they’d promote Radio Boise and subtract the folks who are passive or detractors, we come up with a NPS of 68.2, which is a solid score to folks who keep track of that kind of thing.

We plan to gather more information about listeners in a more thorough survey in the future and continue to request input from all of our volunteers, staff and programmers.

Thank you to all who participated in this first effort!

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