Six days into a nine day fund drive, we were concerned.  Our pledges were only at 50% of the $40,000 target.

But you all responded in a powerful way – and now we’re proud to say that when the dust settles, Spring Radiothon 2012 will have raised over $37,000 for our next six months of station operations!  Thank you SO, SO, SO much for understanding the importance of local, independent media and having a community resource we can call OUR OWN!  You all were simply amazing in the love and generosity you displayed over the last nine days.

NEVER underestimate the difference YOU can make at Radio Boise.

Thanks as well to the dozens of volunteers that stopped by to answer phones, the local businesses that cared for and fed our Radiothon posse and to our committed, passionate programmers who stepped up – big time.  You all made Spring Radiothon 2012 an amazing experience.  Thanks again for what you all did to make our fund drive a gigantic success and for an incredible first year on the airwaves!

What you listen to MATTERS!

Jeff Abrams
Station Manager


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