March 2nd: Listen Local Day!

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Join us on Saturday, March 2nd, for Listen Local Day here on Radio Boise!  All throughout the day you’ll hear live music on-air and in the lobby of the Alaska building, our best local music expert DJs with local guest musicians spinning their favorite local cuts, food provided by local businesses, and lots lots more. What’s the best way to keep local media in our hands? By listening and donating and coming down! Stay tuned for the schedule of events and how you can help keep the Treasure Valley’s community radio station our station. Listen Local Day, all day, Saturday, March 2nd on Radio Boise, beginning Saturday morning. More details  to come!


We are looking to raise $10,000 to get out into the community with events and continue to amplify the rich and diverse music community of Boise and Beyond! Help us reach our goal by donating at the button below. 

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