Couch Surfer Series 2019-2020 Season Opener w/ Sonya Rosario, Riley Johnson, Amanda Ranth

The fifth season of the ?️ Couch Surfer Series ?️ kicks off Sunday, September 8 in the Radio Boise Live Room Studio.

This 2019-2020 season opening show will feature the musical stylings of WEND’s Riley Johnson, filmmaker and activist Sonya Rosario and poet Amanda Ranth moderating.

Presented by Radio Boise, the Couch Surfer Series is an intimate night of performance and stories with writers, artists and musicians. Held every second Sunday of the month September – February, creators will talk about their craft, path, inspiration, why and how they do what they do, as well as perform songs, poetry and excerpts of their creative endeavors for a live audience. (Think NPR’s Tiny Desk Concerts blended with Fresh Air.)

Doors open at 5:30 PM; Couch Surfing begins at 6:00 PM and runs until 8:00 PM with a short intermission.
Food and drink will be available for purchase.

All proceeds go to the featured artists and Radio Boise.


Single tickets are $15 and are limited.
Season tickets are available for $70 and guarantee your seat at all six performances.

About filmmaker Sonya Rosario:
The founder of the Women of Color Alliance (WOCA) – a non-profit working with women from rural Idaho and reservations on economic and leadership development – this documentary filmmaker was a military brat who lived in Texas, Italy, Netherlands and Azores before settling in Idaho in 1994. Growing up in different cultures, Rosarsio used these experiences to learn the real value of community and relationship building as she grew into a grassroots organizer. Today, her films cover the identities of gender, ethnicity, indigeneity, environment and relationship. Rosario’s latest project, The Sofa Diaries, is a moving series of interviews with women talking about the impact and ripple effect of powerful women on their lives.

About musician Riley Johnson:
Riley Johnson is a multi-instrumentalist musician, composer and piano instructor from Boise. After picking up a harp in 2016, she became entirely enamored with the instrument and started her own project, Wend: a sometimes 7+ piece chamber psych band known for for genre-bending beauty and melodies. Johnson is also a member of local bands Regular Sounds and Purring Mantis, as a singer, keyboardist and drummer.

About poet Amanda Ranth:
The versatile Amanda Ranth is a poet, activist, performer and visual artist whose background in street theater and community education propels her to create poems that are enlivened and participatory. Ranth enjoys blurring the lines between poetry and music, performer and audience. She is the author of several chapbooks and also facilitates poetry and storytelling workshops across the Treasure Valley. An Idaho native, she currently resides in Nampa, where she wanders the edges of wilderness with the Cooper’s hawks and swallowtails.

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