Podcasting 101 for Teens and Young Adults

Radio Boise and the Net Positive Radio Collaboration invite high school and college-aged students to attend a free, one-week sustainability and environmental podcasting workshop where students will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the power of radio and learn the art of storytelling through podcasting.

Monday, July 29 – Friday, August 2

10 AM – 4 PM daily

One Stone Academy
1151 West Miller Street
Boise, Idaho 83702

Topics to be explored: Sustainability and Environmental Stewardship
Instructors: Wayne Birt and Jen Jerrett

For more information, contact Wayne.

To register, please complete this interest survey:

This amazing opportunity has been made possible through a generous donation from Patagonia and through partnerships with Net Positive Radio Collaboration, Radio Boise and One Stone Academy.

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