Electric Vehicle Raffle Update

As we head into the final months of the Power Up Electric Car Raffle, we’ve sold 600 tickets so far to support our mission in 2018 and beyond!

You can help fuel community voices with every chance to win, and if we’re able to sell a total of 3,000 tickets for this year we’d easily cover the additional expenses associated with our final antenna repairs! Selling closer to 5,000 tickets would ensure that we’re able to expand our community engagement in 2019 through new initiatives like podcasting workshops and youth engagement.

It’s going to take a lot of hustle before our final drawing on Friday, December 7, 2018, but we know community radio is too important to not hustle whenever we can.

You can help fuel this major fundraiser by spreading the word to your friends and family outside of our regular Radio Boise listenership and spreading the word on social media. Tickets are transferable, so if you’re a local business owner interested in picking up a block of tickets to say thanks to your customers or employees, stop by Radio Boise at 1020 West Main Street or the Record Exchange!

In October and November, the Fiat 500e will be at several community events including the Capitol City Market (Sat, Oct 13th), Bittercreek Ale House (Fri, Oct 19), Clairvoyant Brewing’s one year anniversary party (Sat, Oct 20), and the Bogus Basin Ski Education Foundation Ski Swap (Nov 1-4).

For information on the raffle, electric car specs and Radio Boise’s mission, click here.

-Jess Evett, Radio Boise General Manager

Win a 2015 Fiat 500e electric vehicle with Radio Boise!

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