“Goodbye doesn’t have to be forever”

Carl B. and Step Coyle

“Bye bye love.” “Goodbye yellow brick road.”

Rock is full of its heartbreaking goodbye songs, and it’s inevitable that those of us who spin the music also have the same experiences.

Radio Boise would like to give a bittersweet farewell to Stephanie Coyle of Mother’s Ruin and Carl B. of Idle Afternoons, one of whom is exploring another part of the country and other pursuits for her Thursday afternoons.

To say we’ll miss them is a massive understatement, but we understand how thing change and can’t thank them enough for the years of week-in/week-out, countless programming hours and positive mic presence they’ve given us.

And, in the immortal words of Lynyrd Skynyrd: If I leave here tomorrow / would you still remember me?

Yes, Stephanie and Carl, we will. And this bird you cannot change.

Look for Steph at events and on Radio Boise in other spaces.

Best of luck to both of you!

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