Tuned In…with Valerie Hayes

Valerie Hays, Volunteer

Radio Boise is so lucky to count Valerie Hayes as one of our true-blue volunteers.

From representing the station at events to working the phones during Radiothon, Valerie demonstrates her super-volunteer skills regularly. Here she lets us in on why she chooses to spend her free time with the station…

When did you catch the community radio bug?

I have been an listener of Radio Boise since I first stumbled across them one day. I didn’t listen to radio very often, but was flipping through stations one day and I heard a song I loved (I can’t even remember which one) that I was shocked to hear on the radio. I started tuning in regularly, impressed by the variety of music and personality of the volunteer DJs and also stoked that the station is commercial-free.

What is it that you appreciate about community radio?

As a listener, I appreciate the variety of music I’m exposed to listening to Radio Boise. I like to tell people, “I don’t care what kind of music you like, there’s a show for you on Radio Boise.” The Spinitron feature on radioboise.us makes it super easy for me to track down those songs I hear and need to hear again, and the archive allows me to catch up on shows that play when I am unable to listen to them live.

As a community member, I appreciate how Radio Boise provides a forum for the community that would otherwise be unavailable. I appreciate all of the volunteers that go into this organization. It’s empowering to see so many amazing people donating their time to maintain commercial-free, free-form media here in the Treasure Valley.

What do you like most about Radio Boise?

Honestly, the people. I’ve been volunteering with the station since 2013 and I have made so many friendships. It’s easy to collaborate with people when you have the common interest of expanding media opportunity.

Where and when do you listen to Radio Boise?

I listen to Radio Boise at work almost daily. I listen to it when I’m at home when I can and I often use the Radio Free America app to listen when I’m commuting.

If you could go backstage for any artist’s show, who would it be and why?

Faith No More. I’ve been a Mike Patton fan since I was a preteen and now that they’re back on tour, I’d love to just tell him so.

Where do you see Radio Boise in 5 years?

Even more vibrant in our community. Every event I work, I engage with a larger population of people have heard of the station, listen to it, and love it.

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