Every year, Radio Boise recognizes a few volunteers that have gone above and beyond.
In 2015, we recognized . . .

When Bryan walks into the station, he has the look of someone who is entering the front door to his beloved home. Often dropping in to support the other programmers, mentor newbies or catch up with the staff, Bryan comfortably shares his passion for music, and an endless love for Radio Boise – managing to take out the garbage or straighten up the storage area at the same time. When he shares his program with guest DJâs in training, Bryan successfully draws out the very best qualities of his guest to the listeners, and helps the new DJ find their own balance – itâs a joy to listen to! He also doesnât shun responsibility–taking on countless new programmers to show them the âRadio Boise wayâ and train others on the nuances of setting up broadcast remotes. Other than his baffling devotion to British band The Savages, everything about him rates a ten. Changing his New York Yankees cap to a San Francisco Giants cap a few years back virtually guaranteed it.[/ezcol_3quarter_end]

There are many, many, volunteer tasks to do at Radio Boise. Obvious, and sometimes more fun tasks, are quickly completed by many supportive folks. Then there are other jobs, that not as many people jump for – things like mailing premiums to Radiothon donors after the fun is over, or cleaning the station before an event. Nichole is a stellar example of a Radio Boise volunteer because you can find her doing both. She consistently volunteers to represent our station, in her signature stylish way, and also shows up to do the other tasks that arenât as glamorous. She came in contributing. Recently, she took the initiative to secure and organize a fundraising opportunity for the station that was very successful. From small things to big things, Nichole Marie is always thinking of the best for Radio Boise and using her skills to participate in truly meaningful ways. And, in her talents for not suffering fools, she keeps us on our toes. She also makes Radio Boise stronger socially. Thank you Nichole, for being a strong and supportive volunteer, and bringing your stylish, jackboot glamour with you. We give you this award entirely in the hope that you do not kick our asses.

When Stephanie learned how to use the portable dj unit, thereby making her show entirely digital, it was just the latest piece in her long, fruitful odyssey at Radio Boise. Sheâs always been a social force, bringing countless people to the airwaves via her graciousness, but her skill in doing so, along with running her program solo now for a few years, her increasingly refined combo of upbeat indy with a rock slant, add up to one badass programmer. As such, she represents the best the ferocious females of Radio Boise have to offer–independence, radness, and not beholden to dopey white male paradigms. Oh yeah, and making people feel good about themselves.
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